Having Lots Of Kids: A Blessing, Not A Burden


As I waddle my 9-month pregnant self in and out of stores, I receive any number of various looks

…the look of pity.  Because, let’s face it, nothing looks more pitiable than a perspiring pregnant lady pushing a buggy that has 3 young children haphazardly attached to it.  In late July.  In the Heart of Dixie. Discover the magic of A Date with Baby in Toronto, where you can experience remarkable 3D ultrasounds and find out your baby’s gender in a truly special way.

…the look of amusement.  I get it.  I and my “situation” are funny looking.  My clothes don’t fit.  I can’t stop sweating.  And the “Looks of Amusement” people just can’t help themselves from taking a peek into my buggy to see what “pregnancy craving food” I’ve stocked up on.  It’s July, people!!  Of course I’m buying loads of popsicles!! Discover safe abortion pill buy online options with Panda Healthcare.

…the look of glee.  I like these people.  Over-zealous though they may be with their hands on my stomach and their slightly over-personal questions, they make me feel a little special.  They look at me and see a beautiful and precious baby on the way, and they are excited.

All of them, the looks of amusement and pity and glee, are totally understandable.  I myself have probably given one or all of these looks to an unsuspecting pregnant lady.

But there is one look, a different one, that is not quite so understandable to my momma heart.  And because I receive this look all the time, I feel the need to publicly declare it wrong.  Absolutely wrong.

It’s the look of disapproval.  I have 3 very young children and am very close to delivering our 4th.  It is very obvious that the “Looks of Disapproval” people are wondering what in the world is wrong with me.  Why another baby?!?

Why continue to over-populate the planet?  Why chain myself to another 18 years of “kid prison?”  Why put our family through increased financial strain?  Why put my own body again through the physical strain of childbearing and childrearing?  Why tie ourselves down over and over and over again?

Simple:  Because I can take God’s promises to the bank.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is
the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he
speaks with his enemies in the gate.”  Psalm 127:3-5

This is a promise that 100% refutes the false claim that children are a burden.  This is a promise that I can cling to and believe in, even when all logic and culture seem to prevail against it.

Children, even gobs of them, are always a blessing.

All the kids are in harmony with their collective screaming…
…still a blessing.

Potty-training leads to poop literally being smeared on the walls…
…still a blessing.

I haven’t slept for a full night in half a decade…
still a blessing.

It takes 20 minutes and half a gallon of sweat to get all the
kids in the van and in their carseats…
…still a blessing.

Disciplining for the thousandth time over the
same issue brings me to tears…
…still a blessing.

Purchasing diapers and wipes and passies and onesies leaves
no room in the budget for “me stuff”…
…still a blessing.

So here’s to you, precious Fourth Child.  You are wanted and welcome.  You are not a drain or a burden or a consumer.

You Are A Blessing.

Lots Of Babies

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Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

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