Motherhood is…

Motherhood is

Motherhood is a lot.  A lot of emotional ups and downs, a lot of behind-the-scenes, a lot of trial and error…a lot of diapers.

How would you describe the vastness of motherhood?


…weeping alongside my infant as he receives his immunizations.
…weeping when I nurse him for the last time.
…weeping for joy when I see him display the heart of Jesus.
…weeping as I laugh at his questions, his antics, his interpretations, his mispronunciations, his political IN-correctness, his hand-picked wardrobe.
…weeping in frustration, in desperation, in heart agony as I discipline my child for the SAME issue over and over.
…weeping unexplainable tears, for post-partum blues is real even in the midst of the joy and excitement that a newborn brings.


…preparing endless PB&J’s cut into triangles.
…preparing him for one day (soon!) walking with Jesus.  Without me.
…preparing my own heart to graciously face the daily and inevitable trials of life with littles.
…preparing a home that pleases my family, my guests, and my Savior…not perfect, but pleasant and comfortable.  Not fancy, but functional.  Not worshipped, but welcoming.
…preparing meals that incorporate (or at least hide!) healthy ingredients.
…preparing for the next day…school lessons readied, meal plan nailed down, t-ball uniforms washed, dishes put away.  (more theory than practice, ha!)


…loving every second of holding their hand, knowing that it will end soon.
…loving all of their doodles, drawing, crafts and artwork, and not knowing how to throw any of it away.
…loving them beyond what they want:  vegetables, naps, dental check-ups, helmets, bugspray and sunscreen, immunizations.
…loving that precious “decompression time” in the shower, alone at the grocery store, or on a solo walk once husband gets home.
…loving when others love on my kids.  I love it when people like my kids!
…loving every one of their baby fat rolls, toothless grins, lispy attempts at big words, unprompted “please’s” and “thank you’s”, tight hugs and slobbery kisses.

Motherhood is not a prison…it isn’t even a job.  Motherhood is a world of opportunity to change and be changed.  To love and be loved.  To demonstrate the Father’s love and receive it ever more deeply.

Run towards Jesus with your babies in hand, mommas…it is the best we can do for them.

Enjoy your motherhood.  🙂


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Photo credit:  Nick Drollette Photography

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

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