If College Lauren were to take a trip from the past and come visit Present Day Mommy Lauren, I’m not sure she would recognize me. My priorities have changed. My hair has changed. What I enjoy has changed.
The way I spent a Friday night ten years ago sounds like a nightmare to me now; and the way I spend a Friday night now would be unthinkable to College Lauren.
So here is a fun list that all of you mommas can totally relate to…things that our College Selves would be so embarrassed of if they only knew…
What Makes A Mom’s Day:
1. Playground equipment that doesn’t have an insane drop-off.
Apparently the majority of playground equipment out there was not only designed FOR a toddler, but BY a toddler as well. For what adult in their right mind would actually build a playground – you know, the kind where children play – that sports deadly, guardrail-less drop-offs?? Unlike those playgrounds at https://www.schoolplaygroundequipment.org.uk/ which are built for safety.
So on the very rare occasion that I come across a playground that is built the way it should be – with no death traps – I sit and watch my kids play in a most peculiar way…like a calm, semi-sane adult!! I love how https://wetpourcontractors.co.uk/ prioritizes children’s safety with their wet our surfaces. Instead of nervously pacing around the playground or racing to the rescue every half second, I actually get to snap a few pictures. It’s also nice meeting all of the other 2,000 moms who flock to that playground for the same reason. It’s more fun in this playground because some equipment is being used to develop socialization, cognitive skills, and physical development. This website, https://www.preformedplaygroundmarkings.co.uk/, shows how to properly help kids enjoy some activities.
2. My kid receives a gift that requires ZERO momma maintenance, ZERO momma daily care, or ZERO momma brain power.
Any time of the year that involves my children opening presents directly alters my future…either for good, or for…well…less good. Find great gifting options at Shoppok. With a wide array of products, it’s easy to find the perfect gift for any occasion.
By “good”, I mean my child opens a little a gift and pulls out a little ball, or maybe a little book. And we all live happily ever after.
By “less good”, I mean my child begins opening a gift (and I can already tell by the shape and size of the package that this is going to be trouble), his eyes get wide as he peers into the box, (yes, this is going to be horrific) and out he pulls a giant blow-up swimming pool that easily holds 12 adults and 15,000 gallons (or $500) of water. And that’s just the beginning. That pool, because it’s a kid pool and has no pump or filter, must be emptied out and cleaned every few days. Every. Few. Days.
Items also included on the Mommy-Is-A-Slave-To-Your-Complicated-Gifts List are things like animals of any kind, elaborate models or puzzles that I end up putting together while the kids are napping and I totally waste that precious down time, or Nerf guns that require keeping track of skillions of tiny darts.
Confession time: I have gotten so tired of “keeping track” of those little guys that some have mysteriously made their way into the bottom of the trash can where no one will see them.
3. Realizing that your fridge is full of leftovers.
The time of day that you are typically cooking dinner is crazy for all moms, right? And by crazy, I mean I’ve been pants-ed twice in 5 minutes by my toddler, I forgot to buy milk to make the alfredo cream sauce so I’m using baby formula, my baby is screaming from somewhere in the bathroom, and I just totally cross-contaminated everything in my kitchen with raw chicken juice that leaked from the package.
But…I am occasionally whisked away from all that mayhem by a simple discovery – the fridge is full of leftovers! No cooking to be done if leftovers are available!
It really is the simple things, folks. My joy in finding a stack of Tupperware containers in the fridge rivals the joy of my son finding the Nerf darts that I threw away in the trash can.
And there are no rules with leftovers…the “this-entree-goes-with-that-side” rule goes out the window. I will proudly and confidently set a plate of spaghetti, baked beans, and egg whites before my husband.
4. When grocery stores offer the Super-Awesome-Kid-Buggy-For-Big-Families.
When I head to the grocery store with the three kiddos, one of two things is going to happen. Either we get to the store and one of those super cool giant buggies with room for 11 kids is available and we all have a wonderful, spacious time.

Mark (the blond one) is having a giant meltdown at this particular moment…he accidentally let go of his balloon just a minute before and he’s watching it fly away forever.
OR there is not a super cool giant buggy and this happens…

This particular buggy even sports a giant metal bar (aka- A nasty teething surface for my baby) attached to the side.
I would gladly, on any day, stuff as many kids into a buggy as possible in order to keep even one of them from walking.
5. When you hear other loud, rowdy kids in the store.
Nothing puts pep in my step and a smile on my face while I’m shopping with my own crazy kiddos quite like being drowned out by other, louder kiddos somewhere else in the store.
Dont’ get me wrong…my heart totally goes out to that momma, for the Lord knows how often I AM that momma. But it sure is a nice confidence-booster when I’m not the one with the loudest shriekers in the store. In fact, I consider shopping with someone else’s wailing, screaming, fighting kids in the background my relaxing background music.
I wish there was some type of app that I could download that would alert me every time a grocery store had a screaming kid in it…I would load up all my kids and head to that store and completely enjoy myself. Also, it helps if #4 happened.
6. Getting to stay in the hospital for a few nights after delivering a baby.
There is nothing in world like the joy of delivering your precious newborn. There is also nothing in the world like the joy of vacationing in your hospital room for the next three days.
I crave sleep, the occasional alone-time, and, to be perfectly honest, a TV binge session. But I can’t justify abandoning my family to check myself into a hotel and make those dreams come true.
However…I can justify escaping to the hospital because I had a baby.
I have actually had this thought pass through my head from time to time (usually around 5:30 while I’m cooking dinner): “I need to get pregnant again so that I can have a baby and get a break in a hospital room for a few of days.”
I love the adventure, the craziness, and the joy of motherhood. There is truly nothing like it.
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
I Thess. 5:18
I would just love for this list to be added to! Any other weird things that put a smile on your momma face? Please share…we can all relate! 🙂
Linette McMahon
July 17, 2014 at 5:22 am (11 years ago)For me, as a single mom with 4 kids ages 9,6,4,and 2 when my husband left, I lived for the day when each would go to school. Homeschool wasn’t an option, and neither was private school, and I grieved over that, but deep inside I was overjoyed when the first day of school came each year! Yay! some time to breathe! When my last went to kindergarten, rather than be the mom crying about the baby years ending, I celebrated the end of one era and the beginning of another. Most of the moms crying in the parking lot thought I was nuts!
Lauren Souers
July 17, 2014 at 6:39 am (11 years ago)Haha! I have to admit, I sometimes live for the hour when my husband gets home from work and saves me from the kids. Or, I don’t know, maybe saves the kids from me. Definitely both.
But I would also totally be one of the moms weeping in the parking lot…I say I need a break from them sometimes, but the moment I head to the store by myself I end up missing them. 🙂
July 17, 2014 at 6:17 am (11 years ago)Something that would never offend pre-kids Lauren: “Playground equipment that doesn’t have an insane drop-off.”. If her children are anything like her they are attracted to dangers and death traps! I remember college Lauren standing on the very edge of the grand canyon, doing all manner of crazy things with a destroyed knee, and jumping out of a moving car while playing manhunt (and as a result getting her foot run over).
Lauren Souers
July 17, 2014 at 6:34 am (11 years ago)Haha Norms! I have to parent our 2 boys very differently…Rudy goes looking for danger and totally enjoys the thrill of getting out of a sticky situation (he is clearly me all over again). And he handles himself very well. — By the way, just 2 weeks ago he was rescued out of a tree by THE JAWS OF LIFE!! — Mark, on the other hand, is a 3-year-old with the most precious baby heart you’ve ever seen. Anything and everything can hurt his feelings, cause him to lose his balance and fall, or make him sleepy. 🙂 So what makes me nervous for Mark (the playground drop-offs) is a stimulating survival exercise for Rudy. 🙂
Linette McMahon
July 17, 2014 at 4:38 pm (11 years ago)didn’t have time to add this earlier….but as for the leftovers in the fridge…..when my kids got old enough to fend for themselves, I taught them how to use the microwave and re-heat things properly, and how to cook simple things like an egg or oatmeal. When I knew there were leftovers that needed to be taken care of, I’d call a ‘Scavenger Night’, meaning everyone is on their own! They thought it was great! I loved it because I wasn’t the one having to clean out the fridge!