Author Archive

Cassette tape

Mommy’s Voice Tape

I eavesdropped the other day. In a good way, of course.  🙂 I overheard a sweet momma friend from my church sharing a really neat idea with another mom.  So I did the only thing I could do…I pretended to be going through my purse and I sort of, well, overheard their conversation. And this […] Read more…

Encouragement For Busy Housewives and Mommies

One Disheveled Momma

Call it a rut…a motherhood valley…a bad tired…any of those sum me up pretty accurately. I am pregnant for the 4th time – happily, by the way – and I feel like…well, like I’ve lost my marbles.  And all of my metabolism.  And the ability to do much more than keep the children in my […] Read more…

How to make a brazilian strawberry cream dessert

Recipe for Brazilian Strawberry Dessert

I have a precious friend who is from Brazil. And she loves to cook. And she invited us over to eat with her family recently. From Brazil.  Loves to cook.  Invited us over. Yippee! The food was delicious and beautiful and unique. But the dessert… I’ll just sum it up:  Brazilians are better at making […] Read more…

David Brainerd

Missionary Mondays: David Brainerd

“Missionary Mondays” is a weekly resource for parents.  Each week will feature a missionary story that is designed to be read to young children.  Also included is a prayer and corresponding activity.  Enjoy! David Brainerd God’s plan for rescuing His people from sin has always been a plan full of surprises.  No one would have ever […] Read more…

William Borden

Missionary Mondays: William Borden

“Missionary Mondays” is a weekly resource for parents.  Each week will feature a missionary story that is designed to be read to young children.  Also included is a prayer and corresponding activity.  Enjoy! William Borden There are many, many wonderful things about being part of the family of God.  Can you think of any? A very […] Read more…


It Was A Good Year…

Well, we are at T Minus 9-ish hours until 2014 becomes the past and 2015 is the present. Feeling a little nostalgic, I decided to put together a list of the top 5 most widely read blog posts from A Good Tired during 2014. The year included mountains, valleys, and a few lulls…and my Lord […] Read more…

Amy Carmichael

Missionary Mondays: Amy Carmichael

“Missionary Mondays” is a weekly resource for parents.  Each week will feature a missionary story that is designed to be read to young children.  Also included is a prayer and corresponding activity.  Enjoy! Amy Carmichael Have you ever been surprised by God’s plan?  Sometimes He does something that isn’t at all what we would think to […] Read more…

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