I have some great news…the Money Plants are blooming! And before you all get too excited, I’m not talking about the proverbial money tree. Rather, I’m speaking of a true species of plant called the Money Plant. I was introduced to this most wonderful of God’s plant specimens a few years ago. A wise old […] Read more…
Hosting Your Own Yard Sale: Pricing
I would venture to guess that the number one reason people shop at yard sales is to find a great bargain. No one expects to pay full price on ANYTHING at a yard sale, whether it’s brand new or not. So when it comes to pricing the merchandise that you have collected for your yard […] Read more…
Time to Prune!
I have a last-minute gardening tip for you! According to my gardening mentor, Mr. Neighbor, July 4th is the last day of the year to trim any bushes/hedges that will be blooming next spring. So for all of us who live in the Deep South, this means that we have T-Minus 6 days to get […] Read more…
How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent!
Sulfates, phenols, petroleum distillates…can anyone guess which common household item is comprised of these lovely sounding chemicals? That would be your typical laundry detergent! There is absolutely nothing old-fashioned, paranoid, or pig-headed about making your own laundry detergent. Rather, I believe it is a very economic and healthy decision to make! If saving money on […] Read more…
Homemade Eco-Friendly Ant and Mosquito Killer!
Isn’t it just a little ironic that most ant and mosquito poisons out there don’t just kill off the ants and mosquitos, they are hazardous to our children as well?!? So our children are surrounded not only by swarming ants and mosquitos, but also by toxic chemicals and poisons! This thought has bothered me for […] Read more…
Hosting Your Own Yard Sale: Making Signs
I love, love, love to go yard sale shopping on Saturday mornings! I get up early, have a plan of what I’m looking to buy, and head out. I don’t usually check the newspaper or the internet for the list of available yard sales that day. I rely on another source to point the way […] Read more…
The i play Reusable Swim Diaper!
Today I simply want to share a recommendation with you. If you are like me, and have been spending TONS of money on disposable swim diapers, then you are going to love this! I have recently stumbled across something that has freed me from the chains of expensive disposable swim diapers…the i play reusable swim […] Read more…
Tips for a Successful Backyard Vegetable Garden
I just love being mentored by a knowledgeable person and not having to learn by trial and error…especially when it comes to vegetable gardening! I am so privileged to live next door to a true backyard vegetable gardening guru. My mentor is in his seventies, and has literally been doing this his entire life. In […] Read more…
Hosting Your Own Yard Sale: Planning Ahead
Would you rather do a lot of work in a short amount of time, or a little bit of work over a long period of time? There’s no right or wrong answer to this question. Given the situation, sometimes cramming is more beneficial, and sometimes slow and steady is how it needs to be done. […] Read more…
Blackberry Picking Time!
Some things in life are really worth the pain. Babies, for instance. Some would say cosmetic surgery. I want to add another one to the list…blackberries! Come end of April and beginning of May, the Deep South sets one of its most alluring traps. Blackberries, dangerously surrounded by thorns, poison ivy, and snakes, start calling […] Read more…