Archive of ‘Homeschooler’ category

Would I Do It All Over Again?

Would I Do It All Over Again?

Where do I begin? Let’s begin at the beginning. 1986…married…with a baby coming.  I had no idea about the journey I was about to embark on.  I felt excited and scared.  But the incredible joy at seeing that tiny face for the first time was indescribable! Fast forward two-and-a-half years and another incredible blessing was on the way. […] Read more…


How to Make “Easy Readers”

My two year old daughter loves books, and tries to read them to me.  It’s adorable, and funny, and exciting that she is so into it.  My son however, is less interested in reading.  He’ll let me read to him at bed time, but at other times throughout the day, he’d rather be doing anything […] Read more…

Fun Ways To Use Sidewalk Chalk

10 Fun Ways To Use Sidewalk Chalk

Occasionally, a moment arises when the big kids are done with their school work, the babies are napping, a meal is bubbling away in the crock pot, and the weather outside is perfect. It’s occasional, but it does happen.  🙂 If and when that golden opportunity with your big kids shows itself, I recommend spending some time together outside on […] Read more…


Ideas, Games, and Activities to Learn the ABCs

Having toddlers is a lot of fun, but it can also be sort of stressful when you’re starting out and when you think about having to teach your child.  Maybe it’s stressful because you’ve never taught anyone before, maybe it’s stressful because you have no ideas, or maybe it’s just stressful because your toddler is […] Read more…

madagascar lesson

Kids On A Mission, Part 8: Madagascar

Join us this week as our “Kids On A Mission” series takes us to the weird and wonderful island-nation of Madagascar!  Holding the title as the most biologically diverse area on the planet, Madagascar perfectly points to the beauty and power of our Great Creator.  Throughout this week’s lesson, children will be introduced to the great […] Read more…

Little boy reading

Fun Ways To Get A Little Boy To Read

I am in a new phase with my first-born, Rudy. And like every new phase that he goes through, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING.  Poor first-borns…they get all of our parenting “firsts” while we get all of their precious ones. The new phase that we are in has to do with homeschooling.  I homeschool our […] Read more…

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