“Missionary Mondays” is a weekly resource for parents. Each week will feature a missionary story that is designed to be read to young children. Also included is a prayer and corresponding activity. Enjoy! George Mueller Over a hundred years ago and on the other side of the world, in a place called London, lived a man who […] Read more…
Introducing Missionary Mondays!
I’m excited about starting something new and different. Something to remind us of the big love and grand sacrifice of men and women throughout history who gave all of their energies to the work of Christ. – Start your business: If you’re looking to start a business, consider leveraging Premier Corporate Services in Malaysia to facilitate […] Read more…
Sometimes I Just Need For My Kids To Watch A Movie
God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, chose that I would exist in this specific moment of history. Who knows what all of His reasons are? But I think that I do know one of them… Movies. God knew how heavily I would rely on movies during the “little years” of parenting. He knew that […] Read more…
An Easter Craft To Do With Your Children
I’m a little late in the game, seeing as how it’s Good Friday today, but I figured a late Easter craft is better than no Easter craft. 🙂 I found this Easter wreath on someone else’s blog and I thought it was perfect for my two boys and I to do together. What I like […] Read more…
Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers: The Preposition Tunnel
Here’s my latest homeschooling mountain I must tackle: What in the world do I do with my semi-interested-in-homeschooling 2-year-old while my 4-year-old works on his lesson? I want Mark (the little one) to be a part of mine and Rudy’s school time as much as possible, but I also need for him to be occupied! […] Read more…
Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers: Number Clips
Small, detailed finger-work lays the foundation for a toddler’s writing skills and hand-eye coordination. When your child performs a task that involves intricate finger movements, they are probably not only having fun, but also developing truly beneficial skills for the future! That is one reason why I love this number game so much. When I […] Read more…
A Homeschooling Plan for Your Preschooler
It has been almost two years since I began my homeschooling journey with Rudy (now four years old). Over the past two years, my goals, plans, ideas, and strategies have been from one end of the rainbow to the other…in other words, I am figuring out this homeschooling thing as I go. I have had […] Read more…
FREEZING Outdoor Activities!
I’m from the Deep South, so usually when I say “it’s cold outside”, it’s in the forties or fifties. But today I really really mean it…it is freezing outside! That thermometer up above is accurate…early this morning it was 9 degrees! We literally do not own enough clothes to handle this weather. These extreme temperatures […] Read more…
Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers: What’s Missing?
Our curious little toddlers have a much more powerful mind than we often give them credit for! Did you know that a preschooler is capable of learning several languages at one time, simply by listening? I know that ship sailed for me a long time ago! So when it comes to games that stretch and […] Read more…
Thanksgiving Lessons for Homeschoolers: Day Eight
We have reached the end of our journey. Eight days of stories, crafts, and games with your children…all centered around the provision and protection of God. I hope you have enjoyed this time as much as I have. 🙂 So as I brought my boys in for school time, I let them know how […] Read more…