
Archive of ‘Wife & Mother’ category

What do your kids think is normal?

What Do Your Kids Think Is “Normal?”

Behind every adult is a childhood.  And that childhood, for good or for bad, plays a large part in every person’s definition of what is “normal.” Mommas, this means that we are “Definition Shapers!”  We have the monumental opportunity to aid in crafting a “normal” that our children will carry with them all of their […] Read more…

What do I do with my toddler while I'm homeschooling?

My Toddler Has Stopped Napping!

My toddler has stopped napping. — Allow me to repeat myself.  Very dramatically. — My toddler has stopped napping. [Insert theme music from “Jaws” right about now.] Chilling words, I know.  A napless toddler can ruffle the feathers of even the most poised and put-together Mama Hen. And for Mama Hens out there who homeschool, […] Read more…

Champion Them Rather Than Change Them

Champion Them Rather Than Change Them

Oh my boys. My ravenous, loud, stinky, dirty, curious, loyal, dramatic, ravenous boys. As a momma to two of the most boyish boys that have ever been invented, my girl perspective is constantly needing some fine tuning. If not kept in check, the girl part of my brain can perceive my boys’ rough and silly […] Read more…

As He Fathers Us, So Should We Mother Them - Part One

As HE Fathers Us, So Should We Mother Them, Part Two

“Casting all your anxieties upon Him, for He cares for you.”  I Peter 5:7 The God of the Universe is probably bombarded with the petty complaints and worries of His people all the time.  Things that, in His holy and eternal perspective, He knows are not significant in the long run. I think about all […] Read more…

Extending love to children beyond our own

Extending Love To Children Beyond Our Own

“Children are among the ‘all’ that we are called to serve.” –  John Piper. For stay-at-home-moms, it’s easy to believe that our purpose, our time, our energy, our love and affection is destined to never venture outside the walls of our home. By the time Mount Laundry is washed, the groceries are bought, and 2,571 […] Read more…

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