I am in a new phase with my first-born, Rudy.
And like every new phase that he goes through, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING. Poor first-borns…they get all of our parenting “firsts” while we get all of their precious ones.
The new phase that we are in has to do with homeschooling. I homeschool our 4 kids (not because we are antischool but, honestly, because we would never get to school on time) and Rudy (6) is kind of “stuck” in a reading rut.
He CAN read. He can read fairly well, truth be told. But he WON’T. He doesn’t enjoy reading…except when we are driving down the road and he reads every road sign, billboard, and inappropriate bumper sticker along the way. But sit down and read a book? He would rather eat a bowl full of black beans…and he loathes black beans.
So here I am…a clueless first-time homeschooling momma with a 6-year-old who can read but won’t read except for trashy bumper stickers. Awesome.
I’ve tried begging, bribing, threatening with black beans…the kid isn’t interested in reading.
He’s not going to know what hit him. He’s going to be so sucked into Mommy’s Fun Reading Time Ideas that hours will have passed and he will have happily read the afternoon away.
If you’re like me and you have a fun-loving, adventurous, not-so-interested-in-reading-but-can-read kinda boy: here are a few ideas that might help. I had to get into Rudy’s head a little bit and pull out things that he loves – weapons, dangerous insects, outer space, junk food – and channel those things into some reading material.
1. Make A Scavenger Hunt With Clues That Lead To A Treasure
Rudy was so excited that he literally didn’t even realize he was reading.
2. Make A Worksheet That Matches Words To Pictures That They Are Interested In
I just hope you can draw better than I do.
3. Write A Letter From Someone “Cool”
These are hilarious to write.
4. Make A Recipe That They Must Follow
Keep this one simple.
5. Read Jokes!
My boy is all about telling jokes, so this was really fun for him.
These may not be novels that he’s reading, but at least he’s reading…and having fun while doing it!
So, here’s to happy kids and little boys who will give reading a chance.
Related posts that you might enjoy:
- “Missionary Mondays” Series
- “Kids On A Mission” Series
- “Chapter Books To Read To Little Boys” Series
Photo credits: here
Emily Chinal
August 19, 2016 at 7:43 am (9 years ago)Very good tips. Awesome!
Lauren Souers
September 14, 2016 at 7:18 pm (9 years ago)Great! Hope they help 🙂
Frank Hurtte
August 19, 2016 at 12:32 pm (9 years ago)It was a book about Sputnik that caused me to read my first non-required book. Age 6 1/2 Mrs. Corzine’s 2nd Grade Class. I still remember snatching it so fast, because I was afraid one of my friends would read it first.
I think you are on the right track… and I suspect he is going to be a reading machine. Beware.
Lauren Souers
September 14, 2016 at 7:18 pm (9 years ago)I wouldn’t mind if he turned into a reading machine. 🙂
Sally Burton
September 9, 2016 at 3:57 pm (9 years ago)Lauren, great ideas! I will pass these along. I know my granddaughter would love doing some of these activities just to keep reading fun.
Lauren Souers
September 14, 2016 at 7:16 pm (9 years ago)Aw great! I’m realizing how “key” keeping it fun is. 🙂
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