He Gives And Takes Away

He Gives And Takes Away

The Lord is my Giver of life, and of joy, and of salvation, and of all good things. Everything that has even a hint of Heaven in it springs from his deep, deep well of kindness. Most of His kindnesses go unnoticed…the beautiful details and comforts in my life are so abounding that I, incredibly, am often blind to them.  The gift of safely arriving at the store after driving through heavy traffic all too often escapes me…the gift of opening the fridge and pulling out one of many healthy foods escapes me…the gift of every second of safety and health and freedom all too often escapes me.

He gives without convenience to Himself and without concern to the cost to Himself…He is my kind, kind Savior.  The gifts that He lavishes on me in this life are a hint of the joy that is coming in the next.

But He takes.

My Giver of salvation also takes. This theology is hard to reconcile because being taken from feels terrible. It feels unfair and wrong. And yet, our kind God does it.  He allows it. When a long-planned for “thing” goes all wrong, it feels horrible. When a child is called home decades earlier than we prayed for, it feels horrible. When a deep desire goes unmet, it feels horrible.  And those feelings are real.  They are not intended to be talked or patted or casseroled away. Our kind Giver takes…which means there must be something beyond the horrible, horrible feelings.  Something that we can truly cling to.

Yes, our Giver takes.  But He takes differently than we humans take from one another.

Our taking often leaves a void…His taking leaves behind promises and hope.  God’s Word declares His nearness to our heartbrokenness, His ear to our cries, and His tears to our lamentations.  He offers the very opposite of a void.  He encapsulates everything we need in the midst of heartache, for He is Father and Friend.

Our taking is often done maliciously or sneakily…His taking is done in wisdom and in kindness, and absolutely is not done in sneaky darkness.  There will be painful times for all people, not excluding the people of God.  We are not entitled to healthy children or voting rights or a safe ride home or air conditioning.  Death and darkness will come.  But what is exclusive to the people of God is the joy of the morning.  God does not take and then disappear from the scene.  He is there, and where He is there is hope of joy.

Our taking is often the result of jealousy or covetousness…Our Heavenly Father does not look at the things I hold dear in my life and desire them for Himself, like a jealous child.  When His plan involves the removal of precious things, it is done – almost unbelievably – with my best interests and eternal benefit in mind.  His taking, in a sense, is a gift that we are simply unable to wrap our mortal minds around…it is the opposite of spiteful snatching.

I am scared to know the side of God that takes, because it is a side of Him that challenges and shakes my faith.  I am scared of having questions that I fear won’t be answered.  Or even worse, of not being able to help others with their own questions of “Why Lord??”  But to shy away from a more dangerous side of Him only serves to deepen my anger and frustration when the sad things do happen. I am left with less answers and with less hope if I maintain a one-dimensional view of God.

He is more than I can explain and greater than I can imagine. He is a confusing and majestic mix of dangerous and gentle and just and merciful. He is my terrifying King, and the kind Savior who is preparing a home for me. And one day, all of my questions and hurts and fears will make sense.

He gives…and takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

How has the Lord walked you through dark times?


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Photo credits:  here

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

3 Comments on He Gives And Takes Away

  1. Marilyn Meszaros
    February 27, 2017 at 6:56 pm (8 years ago)

    Hello Lauren–It started out with me looking for a cookie mix that was very easy but tasted homemade. I wanted to make a gift basket for the Christian Family who care for my learning challenged daughter. Jesus love baffles those like councilors and things. They do not know how to explain it but they see a radical difference though.

    Makes me smile. I was given a hamper —by them–my daughter’s family who cares for her and I wanted to do something special for them in return. Have not really ever done this before. Then I met you. Holding your little one .

    Now I want to look at your cookies–Facebook has a Lauren Souers but it does not look like you I am going to go back and look at what you have for cookies—for a mix that a few additives would make it taste homemade –thank you so much May Jesus bless you richly although I know He has–and will continue too–thank you for your time for I know it is precious-

    Marilyn Meszaros –

  2. Karen
    September 6, 2020 at 6:56 am (5 years ago)

    This is beautiful. Thank you.

  3. Zenia Rene
    September 6, 2020 at 12:45 pm (5 years ago)

    Yes and Amen! Thank you.


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