How To Make Pinecone Garland!

How to make beautiful pinecone garland

Y’all, I use pinecones like they’re going out of style.

There is just something so wonderful and simple and seasonal about a good ‘ol pinecone.  You will find them all over my house right now…in the form of pinecone homeschool crafts, scented pinecones, pinecone toothbrushes – just kidding! – and beautiful pinecone Christmas garland!

So if you are feeling a little rustic this Christmas and are wanting to bring the outdoors in – or maybe you’re just a pinecone junkie like me – here is the step-by-step for making very simple, yet lovely, pinecone garland.

How To Make Pinecone Christmas Garland:

Supplies Needed:

  • Around 10 big, fluffy, flawless, beautiful pinecones
  • Power drill and bits
  • Screw-in eye hooks
  • Christmas-y ribbon and twine in several varieties
  • Scissors


  1. Go on a walk around your neighborhood.  Make sure your five-year-old son, who has a giant crate bungee-corded to the front of his bike, comes with you.  Find a yard that is sporting a pinecone harvest.  You are looking for the big, open, fluffy pinecones!  None of those little hand grenade pinecones.  Fill up your son’s bike crate with about a dozen then ride home.
    Finding the perfect pinecone
  2. Sort through your pinecones and choose the 10 that are most symmetrical, straight, and altogether stunning.  It’s like a beauty contest…and you need to be a really tough judge.
    Perfect, fluffy pinecones
  3. Once you’ve chosen the winners and saved the losers for a lesser task, like craft Christmas trees for your 3-year-old, it’s time to break out the power drill!  Okay, side note here.  There are some days when I need to get outside and use some power tools.  I feel totally awesome and accomplished afterwards, sort of like I just fed my inner Annie Oakley.  You’ll really enjoy this power drill part.
    Drilling into pinecones
  4. Using a very small drill bit – I used 1/16 – slowly drill a hole into the…what would you call it?  The pinecone’s behind?  Anyway, drill a starter hole into all of your pinecones.
    Pinecone with hole drilled into it
  5. Screw in the eye hooks…see how easy they are to screw into that pre-drilled hole?  I tried to screw them in without the pre-drilled hole and it was terrible.  Horrible.  I am so glad that you will not go through that.
    Hooks screwed into pinecones
  6. Thread your Christmas-y twine through all of the eye hooks, making sure to tie a knot at each hook.  I left 4-5 inches in between each pinecone.
    Beginning to thread twine through hooks
    Twine threaded through eye hooks
  7. Starting to look like something!  Now, tie pretty ribbons onto each eye hook.  I used 2 or 3 types of ribbon on each hook to make it look fuller and more colorful.
    Twine and ribbon
    Pretty ribbons tied on
  8. Bring your pinecone garland inside and hang it from your mantel!  Make your entire family gather around and stare silently at it.  Make sure they really enjoy and compliment your pinecone garland.  And then bring in your pinecone beauty contest losers and have your 3-year-old make a pinecone Christmas tree.  (Hey, there could be worse fates, pinecone.  You could have been used for starter in the fire pit.)

Beautiful Christmas pinecone garland

How do you like to bring the outdoors in?  Maybe you’re not a pinecone fanatic like I am…are you an acorn kind of girl?  Or maybe a greenery nut?  Please share!  🙂

Don’t Forget!!!  Tonight is your last chance to enter to win a $100 gift card from Linen and Boxwoods!  Go check out this fun Christmas contest!

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

4 Comments on How To Make Pinecone Garland!

  1. Luciana H.
    May 6, 2015 at 7:12 am (10 years ago)

    I just loved to read the step by step of this pine cone garland!
    What most inspired me was the crate attached by a bungee cord in front of Rudy’s bike…what a great idea!
    I believe that will entice some of mine to go get pine cones right here under our trees. Every year I have this “struggle” to make them interested in picking up pine cones…no victory- and I even offer gloves!!! The goal is to fill up bags and offer to friends to decorate for Christmas! I will bring out the crates next time! Thank you!

    • Lauren Souers
      May 7, 2015 at 1:06 pm (10 years ago)

      That is too funny! Glad you were inspired by the crates. 🙂 Totally my boy’s idea.

  2. Pam Priefert
    July 22, 2021 at 10:15 am (4 years ago)

    Lauren- I also am a pine cone fanatic! I see you posted this in 2014…I can’t pass up a good pine cone! I’ve made ornaments and use the drill…I work at a doggie day care with Alps as the theme, lots of decorations with pine ones.was just looking for ideas! Thanks!

  3. r. m. a.
    November 25, 2023 at 6:49 pm (1 year ago)

    …”make your entire family gather around and stare silently at it. Make sure they really enjoy and compliment your pinecone garland.” (LMAO!!!!) …. that’s beautiful!!! …priceless! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your process!! … mom’s the boss!! Happy holidays.


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