It’s not Salsa unless it’s… ADDICTIVE


I have the absolute, hands-down BEST salsa recipe!

I am sure tons of people say that, actually I know they do, but I MEAN IT!  The only salsa I’ve ever loved has been restaurant salsa, and as we all know, restaurant salsa is always a hit or miss.  Sometimes too sweet, sometimes too hot, sometimes awesome, sometimes you want your money back.  Am I right?

But now, I have THE recipe to end all recipes!  It’s perfectly salty with just a kick of spicy, and… completely addictive.  How does one determine a salsa’s addictiveness exactly?  Simple, I ask myself these questions…

Have I become territorial over the salsa bowl?

Has it dripped on my clothing?

Have I scraped/licked the bowl for every last tangy delicious drop?

Yes to all?… Addictive.


I’m not just blowing hot air here people. Here’s my proof: First, my family of course can’t stop eating it.  Second, I have made this recipe for several friends (Some of whom don’t even LIKE salsa… Blasphemy), and I feel like I’m dragging ants away from a crumb on my counter! They’re embarrassed, I’m embarrassed… and it always ends with someone calling out, “It’s just so addictive!”

Did I prove my point?  Addictive.

Before I get to the recipe, let me state that this was not originally mine. It was given to me from my friend Jeannie.  She made this salsa and some fajitas for me after having my first baby.  And you know, in those early days, you have trouble remembering anything besides the crying (me), lack of sleep (me) and the constant diaper changing (ahem, definitely not me).

But I could not forget that salsa.

It was burned into my tongue memory.  So of course, I had my loving friend Jeannie write down the recipe.  And. My. Life. Changed.

Thank you Jeannie for revolutionizing every social gathering and personal snacking moment I will ever encounter hence forth.  Really, thanks for helping to change the world.


Okay, let’s get down to it…


Cilantro (I use the entire bunch, but you can use half!)

1 28oz can of Whole Tomatoes

2 10oz cans Rotel with Chilies (I get mild)

1 whole Jalapeño, seeds removed

1/2 white onion

3 garlic cloves

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. cumin

2 tsp. salt

Juice of one lime

Note: To me, the most important ingredient here is the Lime.  I have naively thought I could substitute lemon or even bottled lime juice. Learn from my mistakes people, use a fresh lime. 


  1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth… chill for AT LEAST one hour.
  2. Keep your phone handy because it’s about to blow up with texts asking for the recipe.


I think I just heard a chip bag open in the kitchen… I gotta go!


The Best Salsa Recipe

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Katie Short
Hi, I’m Katie. I am new at this stay-at-home-mom thing, and I live in the deep HOT south. My days can be long and tiring at times, but I want to bring glory to God daily by loving my closest neighbors… my family. It is a calling, and I count it all joy. My days are spent playing outside with my son, sitting in a rocking chair with my “sweet potato” of a baby girl, and cooking yummy gut-healing food for my hubby. I am so excited to have the opportunity to write blog posts for AGoodTired and I hope you will find as much laughter and encouragement here as I have.

2 Comments on It’s not Salsa unless it’s… ADDICTIVE

  1. Carin Robles
    November 3, 2015 at 8:44 pm (9 years ago)

    Hello everyone, I am a new parent and I am trying to get my two month little one to sleep through the night. Right now I’m lucky to get four hours sleep a night. Thanks

    • Katie Short
      November 6, 2015 at 3:27 pm (9 years ago)

      The beginning is just so exhausting! My oldest went through mountains and valleys of sleeping… would sleep great for weeks then be up 4 times a night for weeks. IT was really hard, but my second started sleeping through the night on her own at 3 months and except for the occasional night, she never wakes up. Each baby is different, but let if we can encourage you! I’m sure you’re doing a great job!


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