Love To Like Them

Silly girl
This post was written at 90 miles per hour.  I am on a mission…a mission to battle a gigantic, ugly misconception.  And it has to do with my kids…so watch out, world.

It seems like every time I go anywhere – grocery store, library, Chick Fil A, the dentist, you name it – and I have all 4 kids with me (which I always do because we homeschool), I get some serious negative attention.  Looks of disapproval, pity, shock, disgust, confusion…I have seen all of these looks pass across the faces of fellow WalMart shoppers.  Comments like, “Are those all yours?” and “Good luck” and “I’m glad I’m not you” are ones that I hear all too often.

And it’s not because my kids are out of control (even though that happens sometimes, obviously).  No, it’s simply because I have 4 kids.  And they’re with me.  Out in public.  I could have 4 little Mother Theresa’s all piled into the buggy and still the comments would come.

For years I have been experiencing the looks and the remarks.  I’m not embarrassed by them…mostly I’m surprised at how many fellow women could be so insensitive.  And just recently, I’ve begun wondering “Why?”  Why the assumed notion that I should be a sad, miserable, lonely momma-martyr out and about with her kids?

I don’t believe that all of the people who are basically ready to put my picture on their “what not to turn out like” poster actually hate kids.  But something is for sure causing a lot of people out there to think that it’s totally normal and acceptable to pity the mommas.

They must think that we don’t like our kids.

Sadly, it’s probably a pretty legit assumption.  As I have been mulling over all of this and recalling past instances of public pity, I realized that I never really defended my children.  I would laugh or sort of agree or something like that, but I never really went to bat for them.

How I wish I could go back and look every one of those people in the eye and tell them that I love and LIKE my kids.  That they are the best gift I’ve ever been given.  That I would not change one single thing about one single thing of my life.  And then I would, without prompt, introduce each one of my special and likeable kids and give a fun fact about each.

Talk about the unexpected.

My children should and need to hear their momma publicly proclaim her enjoyment of them!  Most kids would easily say that their momma loves them…but how many know that their momma truly likes them?  That being out in public with them, being in the car with them, sharing a life with them is not a drudgery but a source of happiness and joy for their momma?

I’m tired of tolerating the white-washed insults of passers-by.  If my children are going to hear strangers pity their momma because of their own existence, then they are also going to hear their momma defend them.  The are going to hear their momma champion their preciousness.

Watch out, world.

love my kids

How Have You Publicly Defended And Loved Your Own Children?

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Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

6 Comments on Love To Like Them

  1. Johanna
    June 10, 2016 at 7:56 pm (9 years ago)

    Go, you, Lauren! I need to do that and not brush off the comments or even laughingly agree, but let my children hear me praise the fact that I get to be with them. Good points! I love my blessings!

    • Lauren Souers
      June 11, 2016 at 9:03 pm (9 years ago)

      I don’t know why I laughingly agree…I don’t even agree with what they’re saying!
      I love my blessings, too 🙂

  2. Sally Burton
    June 10, 2016 at 10:00 pm (9 years ago)

    They are a special gift. You go girl!

  3. Frank Hurtte
    June 11, 2016 at 1:35 pm (9 years ago)

    Once more you make me smile. I suggest you begin telling them you need a couple more kids to make the right sized family band.

    BTW – I just saw the one man Jackson 5 perform on the streets of Mexico City.

    • Lauren Souers
      June 11, 2016 at 9:00 pm (9 years ago)

      I’ve just gotta meet you, Uncle Frank. 🙂


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