Extending love to children beyond our own

Extending Love To Children Beyond Our Own

“Children are among the ‘all’ that we are called to serve.” –  John Piper. For stay-at-home-moms, it’s easy to believe that our purpose, our time, our energy, our love and affection is destined to never venture outside the walls of our home. By the time Mount Laundry is washed, the groceries are bought, and 2,571 […] Read more…

Whisking cake batter

How To Make Boxed Mixes Taste Better

Homemade typically wins… …Homemade cards trump Hallmark.  Nothing says “I love you” from my preschooler more than random pieces of string, old food, and shredded paper glued to a piece of heart-shaped paper. …According to my kids, a made-up story is so much better than one out of a book.  Who wants a quiet reading […] Read more…

To Mommas Who Are Gifted In Areas That I Am Not: Will You Forgive Me?

To Mommies Who Are Gifted In Areas That I Am Not: Will You Forgive Me?

You pin your crafts on Pinterest…beautiful and precious works of art that originated from the incredibly creative recesses of your wonderful, crafty brain. You share your deep thoughts on Twitter…convicting and encouraging words that overflow from a heart following hard after Jesus and a mind rooted in God’s Word. You post your parenting wisdom on […] Read more…

A Whole30 / Paleo Meal Plan - berries

A Paleo / Whole30 Meal Plan

I am officially a Whole30 convert…and quite possibly the most unexpected convert to ever join the Paleo / Whole30 community. I fought it for so long.  And I fought it hard.  It’s like I wanted to be so justifiably miserable that I could return to the “fun” way of eating sans conviction. But alas, here […] Read more…

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