Boy have I wasted a lot of money on this one.
Time after time I would scour the Internet for the perfect devotional book for our family to do together at mealtimes. I bought one that had very confusing content; I bought one that we were not theologically on the same page with; I bought one that was just downright cheesy…on and on and on.
This is what I was specifically looking for:
- SHORT! My kids are young, hungry, and fidgety. To expect them to listen to a drawn-out “sermon” during dinner was setting us all up for a miserable time. So I knew that I wanted something that would take five minutes or less.
- TRUE! I want my children’s ears to be flooded with truth during this sponge-like stage of life that they are in. The devotional needed to line up with Scripture, no questions asked.
- FUN! This means it is written in kid language, has some engaging questions, and maybe a song or two. This should be a fun time! I don’t want my kids growing up hating anything to do with church or God simply because it was a bore.
So how did my journey end?
Happily, at the feet of the sweetest, most wonderful family devotional I could have hoped for! A dear friend of mine stumbled across an old, old family devotional book at a yard sale of all places. She bought it, loved it, and recommended it to me!
I bought it, loved it, and now I’m recommending it to you!
It’s called “Leading Little Ones to God” by Marian M. Schoollard, and was written in 1962.
This book has everything I was looking for, and even a few extra things! Not only does it have a short story/teaching time with some questions and a song at the end, but it also has a prayer, a memory verse, and sweet drawings to look at!
My husband reads out of it almost every night, and so far it has gone over really well. In fact, the content is such a great balance of kid-friendly mixed with deep truths that I am finding myself learning a lot through each lesson! 🙂
So this is my two-cents on a great family devotional book.
Any other good ones out there?
“Header” photo by: Paul Stainthorp
Katie Short
March 28, 2014 at 2:18 pm (11 years ago)Hey! A great one I found a couple years ago is called, Sticky Situations”. Each page has a different scenario and at the end kids are asked how they should or could respond… Each one is like half a page and hen it gives you a verse that gives you the biblical connection to helps you see how God wants you to respond. Really cute, but more for like elementary age. 🙂
Lauren Souers
March 28, 2014 at 7:39 pm (11 years ago)Hi Katie!
I have heard some other great things about that book…will definitely be looking for it on Amazon soon! Thank you for reminding me about it! 🙂