You’re A Good, Good Father

Good Father Title 2

This post is dedicated to the wonderful fathers in my life.  They are funny, loving, and fiercely dedicated to their families.  Happy early Father’s Day!

To the Father who raised me:

A few things you may not know, or may not remember…


In elementary school, and even in middle school, sometimes we’d have to write 5 paragraph papers for practice.  Most of the time our topics were chosen for us, but sometimes, we could choose our own.  I almost always wrote about you and how you were my hero.

I remember how you worked as a news anchor for many years, and how little kids from my kindergarten class would ask for your autograph. I also remember how you gave up that news anchor job to pursue your dream.  You taught all of us to do the same, to go after our dreams whatever it took.

When other kids got a poster of their favorite band, you gave me, “The ABC’s of Achieving Your Dreams”. It’s funny, and true, but I loved that poster.  You were never about doing what was popular, but doing what was best.

You’ve always been very loud :), and typically someone is ‘shushing’ you within five minutes of a visit. But I’ve always liked your loud voice, because I’m loud too.  Some people inherit noses and height, and I’ve got those too, but really I’ve inherited loudness.  And for the rest of my life, I’ll know who I got that from. My loud loving dad.

You’re the youngest of four boys, and for most of your adult life have been surrounded (some might say swamped), by women.  Thank you for teaching us to be tough, but always encouraging us to be ladies.

You have always been very protective of us. I remember some punks sprayed your middle baby with a ton of nasty old perfume at school.  She was so stinky no one would sit next to her and she cried.  You had those boys brought to the font office and chewed them out personally.  Thanks for standing up for all of us all the time.

After almost every movie that had any type of historical fact in it, you were digging through the encyclopedias, telling us the true story.  As a teacher, I can appreciate this because most children have no idea how to use an encyclopedia. Or how to dig through stories to find the truth.  You ingrained in us the importance of finding facts in a world of fiction.  And although they’re extinct like dinosaurs, I wish I still owned an encyclopedia so I could see my kid’s eyes roll the next time we watch a movie.

When mom had to work late, sometimes you’d make us BELTs (Bacon, Egg, Lettuce, and Tomato sandwiches). This is still my favorite sandwich, and still a heart attack on a plate. Especially when smothered in mayo 🙂

Not being one to cut educational corners, while teaching me to drive, you once asked me to get as close to a bicyclist as I could without hitting him, and I think we were on a bridge.  Hard core, but effective.

Always willing to give perspective, you once told me to stop crying and just remember that in the grand scheme of life an 89 on my western civilization test in college wasn’t going to change my life.  Sounds harsh, but it’s actually very true. Thanks for that.

‘I love you’ and ‘I’m so proud of you’ were never words carelessly tossed around in our house, but usually happen in the midst of a hug.

You were the first example of sacrificial love I ever witnessed.  You worked so hard, and put so much of yourself aside for your family.  And you still do this today.

Thank you for being my dad.  Thanks for loving me, and teaching me, and hassling me.  You are so valuable to our family, and we adore you.  My children would be lost without a Papa like you.

I love you.

To the Father of my children:

A few things you may not know, or may not remember…


No matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I work for it, our children…our INFANT children, have always smiled at you first.  We laugh about this, but deep down I can see what they see.  You have the most kind, loving and happy face I’ve ever known.  And I’m not just saying this, INFANT children can testify. 🙂

You have adorable goals for our children, really early… like trying to get them to crawl when they are only a few weeks old. You’ve always had your eyes on the future for them, and have always lovingly encouraged them.

It doesn’t matter how tired you are, or how much you really want to sit down, you will almost always wrestle with our son when he asks.  You’re his best friend, and I can’t wait to see how your relationship deepens over the years.

Being a “hot” sleeper yourself, you’ve always had a somewhat comical concern for our children’s “sleep temperature”.  I love that you want to be a part of the small details in their lives.  Even their sleep temperature.

I love parenting with you. From the very beginning you’ve been a part of everything. Like that one time I asked you to plug my nose so I could push during contractions. Worked like a charm 🙂

There is nothing like seeing a new dad with their baby.  I’ll never forget how you carefully held our newborn boy in the hospital room and exclaimed with quiet joy that our son had just sneezed for the very first time.  Your face was priceless, so was your love.

Our children will never wonder if they are loved by their dad.  You tell them every day, many times.  And one day when they are taught about the love that their Heavenly Father has lavished on them, they’ll understand it so much more because of you.

Our daughter adores you.  She has to be in your arms within seconds of your arrival at home.  I love that she’ll grow up with a man as honorable as you for her dad.

I know you are just playing with the kids when you put on that mask, but you really are a super dad.  You work, go to school, minister to teenagers, and still seek to put our family and time with our children first. That’s pretty super to me.

And I’m sure you’ve noticed, but our son thinks it’s pretty darn cool that he is a boy, just like his daddy.

Thank you for your loving and fierce commitment to our family.  I love you, and don’t know how I would do any of this without you.

You’re a good, good father and every day you point us to our heavenly Father.

good father

Please comment below and tell me who is the good, good father in your life?

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Katie Short
Hi, I’m Katie. I am new at this stay-at-home-mom thing, and I live in the deep HOT south. My days can be long and tiring at times, but I want to bring glory to God daily by loving my closest neighbors… my family. It is a calling, and I count it all joy. My days are spent playing outside with my son, sitting in a rocking chair with my “sweet potato” of a baby girl, and cooking yummy gut-healing food for my hubby. I am so excited to have the opportunity to write blog posts for AGoodTired and I hope you will find as much laughter and encouragement here as I have.

5 Comments on You’re A Good, Good Father

  1. Liz
    June 19, 2016 at 5:59 pm (9 years ago)

    I loved that. Yes your dad was a great dad….I got to experience that too.

    • Katie Short
      June 27, 2016 at 12:42 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks Diz! We wish ya’ll still lived next door!

      • Tracy's Husband
        February 27, 2020 at 1:26 am (5 years ago)

        Behind your words, I see a very touching soul.I think u r lucky enough to have a dad like yours.

  2. Lee Ann Duggar
    June 21, 2016 at 8:23 pm (9 years ago)

    Katie!! You are a great writer!! Keep on! I loved this.

    • Katie Short
      June 27, 2016 at 12:41 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks girl! I’m gonna keep trying!


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